The Cambridge Python October Meetup

October 17, 2007

Needs a location


Fellow Snake Charmers,

This is your chance to shine. You are the star of the October Python Meetup, when we have the first Cambridge Python Lab – workshop.

The Lab and the problem in it were inspired by and excerpted from “Core Python Programming. The Python challenges range in complexity (from easy to challenging) and each one has multiple potential solutions.

The challenges can be solve with brute force computing, a complex AST, or even a database solution. So it is up to you and the skills of those on your team – because our focus is on learning from each other. We’ll discuss sample solutions and discuss each solutions tradeoffs or ‘issues.’

Doug Napoleone and George Lambert proposed this to the present membership last month and everyone agreed – just before we headed over to the Independent for beers. (Hmm.)

So bring a laptop and your thinking caps. We’ll have teams of 4-5 working on one portable. We’ll see if we can distribute the material before hand if possible.

As usual, drinks and pizza will be served – thanks for the donations they go to the cost of food and the use of Meetup.



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