January 21, 2009
Needs a location
Alexander Fairley will be presenting Fabric (http://www.nongnu.org/fab/), a simple pythonic remote deployment tool. It is designed to upload files to, and run shell commands on, a number of servers in parallel or serially. These commands are grouped in tasks (regular python functions) and specified in a ‘fabfile.’
It is a bit like a dumbed down Capistrano (http://www.capify.org/), except it’s in Python, doesn’t expect you to be deploying Rails applications, and the ‘put’ command works.
Unlike Capistrano, Fabric wants to stay small, light, easy to change and not bound to any specific framework.
Alexander says, “I’ve been using fabric to deploy a rather large and wizened codebase to a datacenter in Beijing, as well as ease a great many configuration issues. I’ll present my experience with Fabric 0.0.9, as well as what I think the strengths and weaknesses of it are as compared to ParallelSSH.”
Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/bostonpython/events/9266630/