The Cambridge Python July Meetup - Remote Objects with Pyro

July 15, 2009

Needs a location


Remote Objects with Pyro – Allen Downey

Pyro is a network communication module for Python – it provides an easy-to-use form of remote method invocation. In many cases you can take existing objects and make them available for remote access with a few lines of code. When you invoke a method on a remote object, Pyro marshals the arguments, sends them to the remote object, then marshals the return value (or exception) and sends it back to the caller.

In this presentation Allen will show a few simple examples that use Pyro, we will write a server together, and then participants will write a client that talks to it. If possible, please bring a laptop with Python and Pyro installed. If you use Ubuntu, you can install the package named pyro, and optionally pyro-doc, pyro-examples and pyro-gui. Otherwise you can get it from http://pyro.sourcefor… (

The talk will be accessible to intermediate Python programmers – if you are familiar with inheritance, that should do it. If you can’t bring a laptop, don’t worry – if we have one laptop for every two people, that will be plenty.

If you have any questions about Pyro or anything you would like Allen to cover, send him email:

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