July Meetup - Echo Nest Remix and lightning talks

July 21, 2010


Paul Lamere will tell us about Echo Nest remix. Remix (http://code.google.com/p/echo-nest-remix/) is an open source Python library for remixing music. With remix you can use Python to rearrange a track, combine it with others, beat/pitch shift it etc. - essentially it lets you treat a song like silly putty.

The Swinger (http://musicmachinery.com/2010/05/21/the-swinger/) is an interesting example of what it can do that made the rounds of the blogosphere: it morphs songs to give them a swing rhythm.

For more details about the type of music remixing you can do with remix, feel free to read: http://musicmachinery… (http://musicmachinery.com/category/remix/)

I’m also looking for lightning talks, especially if they involve art of some sort, but any are welcome. Drop me a line if you have something you’d like to talk about for 10-15 minutes.

We’re back at the Microsoft NERD center (http://bit.ly/msnerd… (http://bit.ly/msnerd)) for July, future locations may be fluid!

Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/bostonpython/events/13929110/

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