June 15, 2011
Michael Kowalchik will teach us about SQLAlchemy, the Cadillac of Python database object-relational mappers. He’ll give a quick overview of this impressive package, then outline how to operate at different levels of abstraction within SQLAlchemy, while retaining control over lower-level details where needed:
- The database “machinery” (connection strings, connection pooling, database reflection, different database dialects)
- The SQLAlchemy “core”, building SQL expressions using Python
- The ORM, sessions, and the “Unit of Work” pattern
- How SQLAlchemy’s ORM is different: Data Mapper vs Active Record pattern
We’ll also have lightning talks, let me know if you want to contribute one.
Afterwards, on to the Meadhall for drinks! No sponsor this month (unless someone wants to step forward), but a good time nonetheless.
Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/bostonpython/events/19750991/