July 08, 2011
Learn and practice Python basics with this project-driven workshop!
Audience: Women and their friends who have no or limited programming experience. This event is welcoming and respectful of trans women. Men are welcome as guests of women who are attending.
On Friday evening you’ll set up your development environment and start learning Python through a self-directed tutorial and online practice problems.
On Saturday we’ll spend the morning on a lecture-based introduction to the language, taking breaks to practice concepts on bite-sized exercises. In the afternoon we’ll break out into groups to practice Python through short projects on a variety of fun and practical topics.
You must be able to attend both days of the workshop to participate.
Our goal is to provide an environment in which women can develop their programming skills with confidence. Our staff are predominantly women from the Boston programming and open source communities.
See the Workshop wiki (http://openhatch.org/wiki/Boston_Python_Workshop_3) for more information on laptop setup, lecture material, and the projects, as well as workshop logistics including parking and childcare.
Venue details
Google is hosting and sponsoring this event. They are at:
5 Cambridge Center, Floors 3-6
Cambridge, MA 02142
You will need to sign Google’s standard visitor NDA upon arrival on Friday.
Friday evening: laptop setup and first steps with Python
6 PM to 9 PM: set up your development environment and start learning Python. Things to bring: a wireless-enabled laptop. Saturday: lecture and projects
9:30am - 10am: settle in and review Friday’s material over tea and coffee, courtesy of Google! 10am - Noon: welcome and lecture-based introduction to Python with hands-on practice. Noon - 1pm: lunch, provided by Google! If you have dietary restrictions, please e-mail us as you RSVP. 1pm - 4pm: projects. 4pm - 4:30pm: wrap-up and next steps. Things to bring: the same wireless-enabled laptop from Friday. Saturday projects:
using the Twitter API to write parts of a Twitter client wordplay and how to cheat at Words with Friends programming graphical effects for a ColorWall
Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/bostonpython/events/22818421/