Helper Languages

October 29, 2013


Python is great, but you often need help to get the full job done. Tonight, with sponsorship from Red Hat ( and Rue La La (, we cover three helper languages that make great additions to your toolbox. These talks are all beginner-friendly, don’t be scared!

SQL, David Baumgold

SQL is the query language underlying all relational databases. Many Python frameworks let you avoid the details of SQL, but understanding how it works gives you greater power, even if you are using a framework.

CSS+HTML, Frances Botsford and Brian Talbot

HTML is simple and easy to get started with, but as your pages get more complex, it’s easy for things to get out of hand. Separating the form from the appearance with CSS gives you more control and more power.

Regexes, Jessica McKellar

Matching patterns in text is a common job, from data import to routing URLs. Regular Expressions (regexes) give you a succinct way to express patterns, but they can seem mystifying at first. They aren’t as tricky as they look, and you’ll find uses for them in lots of places.

Thanks to Red Hat ( for sponsoring the pizza, and to Rue La La ( for buying drinks at Meadhall afterwards. The talks will be recorded and livestreamed at thanks to Custom Made (

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