PyCon Rehearsals 4

April 02, 2015


The fourth PyCon rehearsal night, sponsored by (

en zyme, Jon Henner, and Hakim Bouatou — Pythons are Deaf, So are Some Pythonistas (

ASL, like Python, is a language which is both fun and powerful. We have used Python to build a tool, ASL STEM for the DHH community which will teach STEM terminology using ASL exclusively. We are also building a summer program to teach Python in English/ASL to DHH students.

Laura Rupprecht — Describing Descriptors (

The Python library uses descriptors frequently, but most developers overlook this feature. This talk will cover what a descriptor is, the current uses in the standard library, and how custom descriptors can be used in a developer’s toolset to eliminate repeated code.

David Baumgold — Advanced Git (

You know clone, commit, push, and pull. Now you’re ready for the fun stuff. This talk will give you the advanced knowledge you need to take control of your git repository: rebase, cherry-pick, bisect, blame, squashing, and the reflog. You’ll also get a better conceptual understanding of how git works, allowing you to chain these tools together to accomplish whatever task you need.

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