February Presentation Night - Porting Python to New Hardware

February 22, 2017


Russell Keith-Magee:Stranger in a Strange Land: Porting Python to new hardware

The popular hardware platforms that have emerged over the last 10 years have one thing in common: they all promote programming language monocultures. The platform manufacturers provide a single language, and strongly encourage all developers to use that one language for all projects - Javascript for browsers; Objective C (or Swift) for iOS; and Java for Android. Is it possible to break the language monoculture, and use Python on these new hardware platforms? Thankfully, the answer is yes. In this presentation, Founding Apiarist Russell Keith-Magee will show you how the BeeWare project has ported Python to a range of new hardware platforms.

Pluralsight (http://pluralsight.com) is our generous pizza sponsor this month.

Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/bostonpython/events/234430898/

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