Tutorial - Network Analysis Made Simple

May 06, 2017



Have you ever wondered about how those data scientists at Facebook and LinkedIn make friend recommendations? Or how epidemiologists track down patient zero in an outbreak? If so, then this tutorial is for you. In this tutorial, we will use a variety of datasets to help you understand the fundamentals of network thinking, with a particular focus on constructing, summarizing, and visualizing complex networks.

Instructor Bio

I am a 6th year PhD Candidate in the Runstadler Lab in the Biological Engineering department at MIT. I study the influenza virus, which is like a self-replicating deck of 8 poker cards. I am using Python to solve infectious disease data science problems.

Pre-Tutorial Instructions

You should be familiar with basic Python programming syntax, particularly list comprehensions.

Download/clone repository: http://github.com/ericmjl/Network-Analysis-Made-Simple Follow instructions in README to create compute environment.

If there are any issues, please contact Eric J. Ma at http://www.shortwhale.com/ericmjl . Other Notes

Food will not be provided, as we do not have sponsors for the event. Lunch options nearby in the Kendall/MIT area include Au Bon Pain, Chipotle, Clover, Champions, and more.

Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/bostonpython/events/238341272/

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