May 11, 2017
PyCon rehearsals, sponsored by Kyruus (
Big picture software testing: unit testing, Lean Startup, and everything in-between
Itamar Turner-Trauring
There are many ways you can test your software: unit testing, manual testing, end-to-end testing, and so forth. Take a step back and you’ll discover even more form of testing, many of them very different in their goals: A/B testing, say, where you see which of two versions of your website results in more signups or ad clicks.
How do these forms of testing differ, how do they relate to each other? How do you choose which kind of testing to pursue, given limited time and resources? How do you deal with strongly held yet opposite views arguing either that a particular kind of testing is essential or that it’s a waste time?
This talk will provide you with a model, a way to organize all forms of testing and understand what exactly they provide, and why. Once you understand the model you will be able to choose the right form of testing for your situation and goals.
Instagram Filters in 15 Lines of Python
Michele Pratusevich
Images tell stories, and we love Instagram filters because they give emotion to our images. Do you want to explore what makes up Instagram filters? In this talk, we will talk about the basic elements of Instagram filters and implement them in Python. The staple libraries we will use are scikit-image and numpy - matplotlib and jupyter notebooks for plotting and interactivity. In the end, we will implement the (now-defunct) Gotham Instagram filter in 15 lines of Python (not including imports). Throughout the process, there will be many pretty pictures.
Library UX: Using abstraction towards friendlier APIs
Mali Akmanalp
Complicated libraries can be a pain in the butt to use. It’s not surprising that there are a lot of “X for humans” libraries out there, some of which are mostly wrappers around more frustrating interfaces.
This is not a theoretical talk. I’ll touch upon theory to give you context, but will then talk about what that means for you in practice so that you can write better libraries. I’ll talk about why library UX matters, about abstraction as a general concept, about out what happens when you over/under abstract, and about some useful tips to help build friendly APIs. Meanwhile, I’ll show some positive examples from libraries we know and love (flask, SQLAlchemy, Requests, etc). Once you recognize these effects in play, you’ll be able to apply them to your own code and make life better for everyone!
Tonight we’re hosted by iZotope (, at 60 Hampshire Street.
Our pizza sponsor is Kyruus ( Kyruus takes a “Moneyball” approach to matching patients to the right healthcare providers through its search, scheduling, and data management platform. We work with over 85,000 providers across 400+ hospitals nationwide to reduce appointment wait times for patients, improve referral quality for providers, and optimize capacity utilization for hospital systems.
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