February 26, 2020
Presentation night sponsored by Kyruus, hosted by PTC.
Ned Batchelder, Getting Started Testing
Do you want to learn how to write automated tests in Python with pytest? We'll start from the very beginning! See how pytest works, and how to write tests. Once the basics are covered, we'll get into fixtures, parameterization, and coverage measurement. Then we'll do a few more advanced topics: including test doubles (mocks and fakes).
It's a lot to cover, but we'll take our time and work through it. You'll get everything you need to start writing your own tests.
The talk is available now if you want a preview: https://bit.ly/pytest3
Doors open at 5:30 for mingling, networking, and exploring the PTC tech space. The presentation starts at 6:30.
Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/bostonpython/events/266720542/