Approaches to Debugging

February 17, 2021

Tonight, an online presentation night about two approaches to debugging.

Emily Charles, Debugging without print()

This beginner-friendly talk is an introduction to pdb, the command line debugger built into Python. We'll cover the basics of interactive debugging, demonstrate some of the most common commands, and outline just a few advanced options for those who want to explore further. If you've never used a debugger before, or if you come from the world of graphical debuggers and want to explore command line options, then this is a talk for you!

Rick Landau, Debugging by Printing

Most programs need debugging, but some types of programs do not easily permit interactive debugging with the capabilities supplied by IDEs, Python pdb, and such. For complex or detached programs, the flow of process and data through a program can be followed using highly structured and flexible printing from the program. Such printing can be controlled from the outside without changes to the source code and, if the facility is reasonably efficient, can be a diagnostic tool even in production code. I'll present an overview of my library for non-interactive debug printing.

We'll open the Zoom at 6:15, and we'll get started at 6:30.

The event will be recorded.

Meetup link:

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